The task: to strike out against the big “C”
Following touchpoints were recommended:
Remission Statements: Life is better after cancer. Document the dreams and hopes and goals of cancer surviviors.
Launch Event: An Inaugural event in Central Park, NYC where we bring together and create the record for the largest gathering of cancer patients in remission ever. This becomes an annual event, survivors statements are projected on Jumbotron screen in Central Park as well as simultaneously on the Jumbotron in Times Square.
Print/tv/Online shorts/Rich media banners: Showcase real life survivors and their remisssion statements.
Book: It’s a published book that is at every doctor’s office as well as for sale online and in book stores. A collection of photojournalistic stories about people who took life by the horn’s after cancer. Funny, poetic, poignan... People are encouaged online to share their story and have it become part of the series.
Facebook: users post their own remission statements. There is a live feed of the statement to Times Square and every day a different statement is chosen. As people “like” the status, the “likes” also post and tally on the screen in real time for people to see. Facebook also encourages survivors to fill in the blanks of their story by creating a template: “Cancer gave me the ________to finally____________.
Strike Out Against the Big “C”: Varian sponsors a NY Times Front Page takeover (online and maybe offline), where every capital ‘C’ that appears on the page is erased. Varian sponsors a large-scale projection in a high-traffic area where passers by are asked to digitally sign a petition against cancer. Can also use smart phone to scan a QR code and their name appears on the screen. Once 100,000 signatures are collected, Varian donates $100,000.
Mob of Hope: Let’s start a huge-scale social experiment. What if thousands of people got together and sent out their wishes of hope and support to ONEcancer patient. People go to site to sign up to support “Jessica Graybill”. They follow her through her treatment, wishing her well, etc. When her cancer goes into remission, the site announces a universal moment of cheer at a specific time on a specific day. People then sign up to support the next survivor and so on and so on and so on.
The task: Create content building brand awareness of Flonase in the Asian market and shift the perception of treatment and the cause of modern day allergies.
The task: Rebrand and launch a 360 campaign for Coordinated Health, creating awareness in the PA region of a solution that is all about keeping the patient's needs first and creating treatment plans to get the best possible outcomes, information and education.
The task: Create a 360 campaign including web, video, print and events that raise awareness of brain aneurysms through education, research and support materials.
The task: develop a 360 campaign for Pristiq - the first non-hormonal menopause treatement. This campaign positions Pristiq as cool. Cool as in temperate. Cool as in hip. Cool as in level-headed. Cool as in no more hot flashes that prevent you from being all the versions of cool you are without the disturbance of menopausal symptoms.
Hot flashes are a nightmare. An interruption. An irritation. Until Now. Until Pristiq, the non-hormonal solution to menopause.
The task: develop a 360 campaign to educate consumers about Pneumococcal Pneumonia and the importance of getting vaccinated.
Media consisted of OOH, digital billboards, banners, In-office posters, take-aways, travel targeted print.
The task: position Edoxaban as the alternative treatment.
Now in the treatment of DVT, AF and stroke, Edoxaban offers the predictability you need for an unpredictable patient.
With predictability comes possibility.
The task: Launch the brand and raise awareness of severe and debilitating muscle cramps through print, editorial and online of the Hotshot, a breakthrough in sports nutrition invented by a Nobel-Prize winning neuroscientist/endurance athlete and his friend, a neurobiology professor at Harvard.
The task: raise awareness for new product line extensions in the global multi-billion dollar Olay beauty portfolio while working with all women to create a personalized skin regimem that is perfect for them.
The task: in a world of beauty and fashion, where everyone is always on the hunt for the next new "Thing", launch two new fragrances for Herve Leger and Fergie, and a new mascara by Avon that was guaranteed to open everyone's eyes.
The task: Shift the perception and let women know that J&J body lotions are for pampering babies as well as grown ups.